Thursday, 28 June 2012


Hey Guys,
I'm in year 9 and its a funny year I'll tell you that.

 The rest of the school are scared of us because one person in the whole of year 9 got scabies. So now were know as 'The Scabies Year' which I find hilarious!

Okay back to what happened today our first lesson is English and we are doing a essay and you may think that's pretty bad but it okay really because our teacher spreads it out over lessons.
So its not that boring! I sit on the biggest table and there is 6 people on it including me.

 The conversations we have are so funny I don't think some of them actually do work. Well I do because I'm a good girl, a little angel I am.

                                                                          Not really! 

      So we were talking about random stuff. 

The girl next to me is laughing all lesson because in form she took down a clock. Don't ask. She thought that she was brilliant. She stood on the desk to get it and all the lads looked at her arse. But she doesn't know that. So that's not going to hurt her is it?

Anyway we were talking about Vicky Polard of Little Britain. And, well another girl on our table lets call her Soe says "Ohh, this Vicky Polard is a slag isn't she? Bit like you toast (lets call her toast)" Well then Toast started crying.

 And I don't know why because she isn't a slag at all! Soe's the one who's a slag because she told the whole year she's done it all  ready and that ain't nice!

Then a couple of boring lessons later we have PE! I love PE and I've took it for my GCSE. 

We were going to play Dodgeball with the boys (which is good because they are really competitive)  but they wanted to go outside and play football.

So half of the girls went into the gym and us (me and my friends) went to play Dodgeball with the others. 4 of my close friends were on the other team me and Tika were on our own and it was really fun. I threw the ball and on my first go I got my friend Sum, so she was out. 

Then I got hit in the back of the head (I don't know how?!!?) but it didn't hurt.

But I was still in because in Dodgeball we have this rule were you have to get hit below the waist to get out. Anyway both Tika & Sum got hit in the face too so at least im not the only one. Tika's was right in the face though. 

After another boring lesson. We went home and I walked home with Sum.

 This is the best moment ever! We usually say goodbye to our friends after school because we are in different classes next to the bushes outside. 

And Sum fancies (lets call him Jog) Jog. 

Sums cousin (Who's the same age as us! One of our good friends we didn't actually know they were cousins till Year 8 lets call her Kay) Kay takes the mick out of Sum for liking Jog. Jog calls Kay 'Carrots Lass' because Carrot (that's his nickname because of his hair) admitted he fancied Kay and she said no. 

So Kay calls Jog "(Sums real name then his surname)" Its very funny! So we were saying goodbye and Jog said:
"Carrots Lass"  
And Kay replied. "Go and buck Sum!"
So Sum said "Or leave HIM alone!" 
Then we all pissed with laughter and Jog walked of with Carrot and some of his other mates.

Kay got a lift (because she usually walks some way with us).

Me and Sum were walking down the street laughing our heads off. She said:
"I meant too say to Kay to leave it alone and just pick on her because she's the one who likes Jog and its not his fault." 
So I said "Well yer it is he could get really ugly so you wont be attracted to him any-more!" 
The end of our funny day (its usually like this) I hope you understand my writing because it makes sense to me but I'm trying to keep names secret that's why its a bit odd. Ill write more about my funny life soon. Even though its just for me.


Hey Guys,

You might be wondering who and why I am doing this blog, because I'm no celebrity.

 My goal in life is too survive school with a boys name and I get the piss took out of me all the time and do I give a shit? No.

 Because life's to short to care what other people think!

 So back to the question I'm doing this too see to my self what I am in side. I don't know much about myself and that's shocking.

 But I'm trying, and this came up on a site that I read. Good job spell checks on here or Id be toast. Literally.

 So here we go. Ill probably get no watchers anyway! :)