Saturday, 21 July 2012

Up coming blogs!

Hey Guys,
I don't do much in the 6 week holidays so if I don't I'll be doing a list of things just so you gt to know me better. These are the ones I'm doing:

About Me
My friends
My fav things
My fashion
Were I want to go next year
Bucket list
The scariest thing that ever happened to me
My most embarrassing moment
Rants and raves (Dont get me started)
Hoilday traditions
Weird myths
10 Reasons You Get Up in the Morning
Ten things I would like to have right now...
Adverts I like
Review an Old Movie
My Favorite Actor
Ten Books on My Shelf...
10 Tricks for April Fools Day
A favorite photo of myself as a child.
Three Guilty Pleasures I Couldn't Live Without
Facebook Applications I Love
10 Worst Books I Never Read
10 Worst Movies I Have Ever Seen
I have a crush on...(insert celebrity name)
Five Christmas traditions our family celebrates.
Where I like to shop at Christmas time.
I most look forward to seeing...??? this Christmas.
Ten Things I Want for Christmas...
A conversation you overheard on the bus / train / plane etc.
10 things that make people interesting
Ten Fave Tweeters I Follow
Five tweets I have favorited on twitter... and why.
Ten taboos I like to break.
Top 10 Things that Annoy I About Facebook
A place I love but have never visited.
Stupid tricks I have tried.
Favorite stuffed toy.
An internet hoax I was taken in by (or almost taken in by).
An item from my bathroom cabinet
What hate means to me.
Something vintage I love
Top 3 Reality tv shows I'm are addicted to.
Favorite Halloween Costume
Childhood memory about trick-or-treating.
Five things that scare me the most.
Pirates or Super Heroes?
My Most Over Used Word
10 Things I would Do if I Were a Guy
My favourite quotes
Something weird my dog does

Friday, 20 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Note: I am 14 and so is ALL my friends some inappropriate words on here.

You are warned!  Today I went to my Aunties nursery to help out with their leavers party. They are so cute!

 Then at  1 o'clock I walked to Sum's house then we got Kay and Kita. Ana texted and said she wasn't coming out.

Soe and Ted are dating!

 It happened last night when Me and Sum left.  We asked them to come out but they were busy. So we went to the park and Kita and Kay ran for the two swings

me and Sum ran for these:

Sum ran for the bike and I got the yellow elephant. We chilled out for a bit. Made a vlog.

 Went down the slide. Why the hell do they put them bars there? Cunts!  

 Then these chav's came in and Kay got into a argument with them so we pulled her out of there. 

We went to the other park. Kay and Kita ran for the swings, me and Sum ended up with the two baby ones.

This park is next to 'Jahn the paedophiles'  house. He's the same age as us but he goes out with little kids and its weird. This is the song Sum and Kay made up:
"Jahnnnnn the paedophile,
is coming out to playyyy,
he makes kids cry, wank and scream so lets all run away!!!"
Whilst me and Sum were sitting on the swings we thought of her song:

"Summm the stalker,
is coming out to playyy,
she makes Jog cry (she got up to this part and went no! Not wank!!) and get creeped out,
so he runs away!!!!"

Then the same chav's came in this park. They were barking at Kay
"Awh, so you are a dog! That explains your face!" Kay's awesome, man.
Then Kay had to go to work. So we walked home. Then I got a McDonald's.


Thursday, 19 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Sorry the blog's late, I've been out with my mates because its the last day of school. We had Eucharist first then we had to get up for blessings. I tripped over the mic -stand.

Then we went to Science and played Truth or Dare here's some of them:
Tie on head and run around the lab like a American Indian. - Me    
Macarena in the middle of the lab - Kay
Hugging every boy in the class - Soe 
Singing Milkshake to a boy - Bek 
Planking in the middle of the room - La 
Saying "I like licking cheese." to sir - Me 
Prank call someone- Kay

Head stand in class - Soe

Let someone give you a wedgie - La chose Soe 
Say 'In bed' after every sentence for 5 mins. - La and Soe
The last one was really funny because it was La's real dare then Soe bet she could do it all day - and she did! Then it was break we asked Soe:
"Who do you like?"
"Ted in bed."
The lads stopped playing football and they were like:
We did it when Ted was there so he heard. I wanted Sum to do it so she could embarrass herself in front of Jog but she didn't.

We had History after and we had snacks in class. Someone brought in Dorito's and dip

and Sir was eating everything saying:
"Teacher calls it."
Then we ate in the Diner today not outside because it was our last day as Year 9 and we wanted to be together.

Not leave the people out who have dinners. So when we did go outside we passed the tennis courts where the boys play football on a dinner time.

Bag was trying to push Sum in so she would get embarrassed but it didn't work. Then we talked for bit and went to our forms and got dismissed at 1.

Then were we meet at the stones we started singing 'School's Out'

everyone was looking, but who gives a shit?
 I walked home with Sum.

 Got changed.

Came back out met Sum.  Walked to Kay's.  She was dying her hair purple. We were in the house on our own and Kay needed to ask her dad first. So we sat in the living room playing with Bailey (the dog) talking to Jolly (the parrot) and rocking out to Kerrang (really loud) 

whilst Kay ate her pot noodle. 

Her dad wasn't answering so we decided not to waste time and went out. She said she'd do it tomorrow. Then we went to the park but Ana and them weren't there so we tried a different park but they weren't there either. Ana's phone was turned off so Kay rang Carrot and he hung up on her.

 So we tried a different park and they were there. 

Kay hugged Ana and Soe. 

Me and Sum had just given fist pumps (We don't do hugs!) 

Ted and Carrot were sitting on the slide. 

Kay punched Carrot for hanging up on her. 

Then we played hide and sneak in pairs. But then Ted had to go to the dentists and we sat outside throwing stones at the wall.

 Carrot nearly hit the window so we stopped doing that and I bought us some chips. 

They were gone in 5 mins. When Ted came out half an hour later. Sum had to go so I went with her. On the way home she said that Carrot was teasing her about Jog for ages. 

She thinks when we go out tomorrow to the beach (we might) that Carrot will invite Adam who will invite (known on Seth's phone as 'Lanky Nob Head')  Jog. 

Sum said that if Jog is on that beach and Carrot starts teasing her about Jog she'll hit him really hard. I asked her what she would do if Carrot pushed her into Jog she said she'd drag Carrot's ear to the sea line and push him in.


Wednesday, 18 July 2012


 Hey Guys,
I haven't updated for a few days not because my life's boring, but because I forgot my password.

It took ages to renew it so hopefully it wont happen again.
I am going to add Friday and Tuesday's post because Ive already wrote them but not the weekend or Monday because hey who likes Mondays?
 Did no work today. 
Geography we had a quiz on what we've learnt this year. Math we did colouring in. It was nice again at break so we sunbathed again.
 It was nearly the end of break and the fire alarm went off.
 We all crapped our selves then the gate blocked us so we couldn't go to the fire point. 
After 10 mins of the alarm someone finally came round so we got hardly any RE. At dinner it was really windy our empty packets were flying out our hands.
 After we went on the grass into our 'homes'. Then the others came out. While we were waiting to go in Science we wrote on Sum's locker which is right next to the room.
 We wrote: 
Sum *heart* Jog and Cone because she loves Cone and Sum 41. Then today I walked home with Sum and she told me her pranks.