Friday, 20 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Note: I am 14 and so is ALL my friends some inappropriate words on here.

You are warned!  Today I went to my Aunties nursery to help out with their leavers party. They are so cute!

 Then at  1 o'clock I walked to Sum's house then we got Kay and Kita. Ana texted and said she wasn't coming out.

Soe and Ted are dating!

 It happened last night when Me and Sum left.  We asked them to come out but they were busy. So we went to the park and Kita and Kay ran for the two swings

me and Sum ran for these:

Sum ran for the bike and I got the yellow elephant. We chilled out for a bit. Made a vlog.

 Went down the slide. Why the hell do they put them bars there? Cunts!  

 Then these chav's came in and Kay got into a argument with them so we pulled her out of there. 

We went to the other park. Kay and Kita ran for the swings, me and Sum ended up with the two baby ones.

This park is next to 'Jahn the paedophiles'  house. He's the same age as us but he goes out with little kids and its weird. This is the song Sum and Kay made up:
"Jahnnnnn the paedophile,
is coming out to playyyy,
he makes kids cry, wank and scream so lets all run away!!!"
Whilst me and Sum were sitting on the swings we thought of her song:

"Summm the stalker,
is coming out to playyy,
she makes Jog cry (she got up to this part and went no! Not wank!!) and get creeped out,
so he runs away!!!!"

Then the same chav's came in this park. They were barking at Kay
"Awh, so you are a dog! That explains your face!" Kay's awesome, man.
Then Kay had to go to work. So we walked home. Then I got a McDonald's.


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