Thursday, 12 July 2012


Hey Guys,
Today wasn't as fun as yesterday. Till dinner time we spent in the hall making paper ducks.

Because its supposed to be business?

You got your own starting money (fake)

 then you had to pay rent and buy paper, make them, buy scissors, buy glue, buy feathers. Everything was £10! 2 feathers for £10? There have to be kidding right?

Then you had to sell them back to them? And if you didn't have a clean working area, weren't working or having bags so people can trip on them you would get fined!

Our team was rubbish we didn't know how to do it until they showed us half way through - we didn't win anyway.

Dinner was fun because the lads were acting weird and the teachers came down because they were watching us on the camera ...

and your not allowed to play door slam. Door slam is funny! What you do is shout
"DOOR SLAM!" really loud then slam the doors a lot. The clues in the name.

 We sit in the stairwell

when the weathers bad so they were blocking the doors. So funny!

Then in the afternoon we did work on China.

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