Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Hey Guys,
I'm still ill. Its hay fever.

REALLY BORING TODAY!!! The first 2 lessons were a bore. Didn't get any work done.
 Break: La pushed me down a hill 

I feel on my arse in front of all the lads. Not good. She said she wanted to make a entrance in my blog because I am not writing about her even though she is in most of my classes.They you go La you got a mention. RE we started watching The Blind Side and its a really good movie! Coming from me who doesn't like RE. Poetry entered there. 

The smugglers tried to bring food outside again and got caught so it was just me, Sum, Kita, Bag and the lads. We sat on the stairs again and played hide in the grass.

Well, when I say WE I mean Kita and Bag played it and me and Sum talked to the lads. 

They don't act themselves when the lads are there they either walk off or ignore them. Do you know why? The Smugglers (See last blog) came out after dinner and we were having another water fight! I got wet a bit. 

Then we saw Tea (See last blog) going to the bottom fields. (Which are out of bounds if you haven't got a teacher) to smoke or do drugs (that's what they usually do)

Kita looked sad. Then we were in Science and I sit next to Saz. Saz and Kay were pretending to have a water fight. Kay's bottle top was off and she threw it at Saz and it went everywhere all over the desk an her book.

Luckily I didn't get one drop on me! Kay said she didn't know the top was off. Another lesson and then home. Boring. Eh? I told you so. 

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